Parenting and Children
Don’t accept less than the best for your children and your family
YOuR children’s best interests matter
We understand separation is difficult. Every parent seeks to reduce the impact of separation on their children as much as possible.
Protecting your children from any possible harm is the first priority. Putting in place arrangements that are in their best interests is of great importance to their well-being and development.
To give your children stability and routine a Parenting Plan or Court Consent Orders is recommended to ensure both parents have a clear common understanding of what they have agreed is best for their children.
In some cases, agreement can not be reached, or urgent action by a Court is necessary.
You may consider applying to a Court if:-
Your children are removed from your care.
You have not seen your children for a long time: take action as soon as possible to ensure their relationship with you is not damaged.
There is family violence or abuse: It is recommended you also seek advice about obtaining a Protection Order.
There are drugs or serious alcohol consumption concerns.
Other urgent circumstances, such as risk of a child being taken from Australia or being neglected.
The Court rules require that parties make a genuine attempt to agree prior to starting Court proceedings for parenting if the matter is not urgent or there are not risk factors for the children.
It is important to comply with the necessary Pre-Court Procedures before filing Court documents.
When a Court makes Orders a child’s safety has been assured, Courts, lawyers and parents must also focus on what is in the best interests of the children both in terms of who they live with and who makes decisions for them.
Click here to read about who makes decisions for children.
For a detailed discussion of the relevant issues for a Court on parenting, the Court process for parenting and children’s matters and some detailed parenting family law information please see our Parenting Guide in our resources page by clicking the link below.
We are committed to assisting you and your family on family law matters and offer a free initial consultation on all parenting matters.
Speak to one of our experienced Ipswich Family Lawyers at a free initial consultation for advice and general discussion of what will be best for you and your children.