Spousal Maintenance
Secure your and your family’s financial stability
you and your family need financial stability
In some cases separation can mean financial upheaval and vast differences between the earnings and living circumstances of the parties.
In many relationships one party will be the breadwinner and the other the home keeper and/or parent. It is common that one person will put their career on hold and at separation then may have significant financial need.
If you have a need for financial support, additional to child support, you may be entitled to spousal maintenance.
We can assist with spousal support by:-
Calculating your need or entitlement to spousal maintenance
Timely and efficient negotiations for spousal maintenance
Urgent Court Applications
obtaining forensic accounting investigations of business financials
Weekly Spousal Maintenance payments
Lump Sum Spousal Maintenance before or as part of Property Settlement.
It is important to know that the withdrawal of financial support from a spouse in many cases may be regarded as family violence.
Supporting your spouse is a factor that a Court will consider as part of dividing the property of the parties.
We are also able to assist you to respond to a request for spousal maintenance by:-
Assessing the validity of the spousal maintenance request, your ability to pay, and the extent of your responsibility to pay
Timely and efficient negotiations
Court appearances to defend Spousal Maintenance Applications
Subpoena of documents and information
obtaining expert accounting advice on maintenance viability
Balancing the necessary financials for your family can be a difficult task as obviously two households are more expensive than one. Our expert family lawyers will provide you advice and a balanced arrangement to protect your and your family’s financial security.
Millwater Tyrrell Law offer a free initial consultation with one of our local Ipswich Family Lawyers to discuss and assess your situation in respect of spousal maintenance.